... 序贯程序设计 sequential programming 序贯试验设计 sequentialtrialdesign 贯序设计 Sequential design ...
(6) 序贯设计 (sequential design): 特点是事先不确定样本含量,而是对现有 样本一个接一个地或一对接一对地展开试验, 一俟可下结论时, 即可停止试验, 省时省力...
... 概率性分析 • 性能设计→ 效能涉及 • 分析设计→ 仿真设计 • 分别(个别) 设计→ 一体化设计 • 序列设计(Sequential Design) → 协同设计(Concurrent Design) 飞行器系统工程 1.3.4 飞行器系统研制中的递增逼近及模块化、系列 化和标准化 递增逼近(Incre...
Group sequential design 成组序贯设计 ; 方法
MA Sequential Design & Illustration 序贯设计和插图硕士
MA Sequential Design and Illustration 连续设计及插画
group p sequential design 成组序贯设计
sequential design method 顺序设计法
expanding sequential design 扩展顺序设计
Continuous Sequential Design 连续性序贯设计
restricted sequential design 闭锁型序贯实验设计
Through comparison with traditional sequential design and control, both advantages and shortcomings are discussed, which shows promising future of simultaneous design and control optimization.
An interesting side effect of the copy-on-write design is that all writes to the file system become sequential writes (because remapping is always occurring).
This problem also highlights one of the fundamental design principles when it comes to working with parallel data structures: Do not assume sequential execution of any code, ever.