the shaded area 阴影区域 ; 阴影的部分 ; 阴影部分
non-shaded area 非阴影区
the area shaded 阴影部分的面积
area shaded by a building 建筑物遮蔽率
It uses a singer CCD camera as the input device, processes the input images with computer, detects the shaded area of the image as the assumed vehicle region, then train a vehicle classifier based on Adaboost algorithm to determine and verify the assumed vehicle region, through that we can detect the location of vehicles in the image.
参考来源 - 基于计算机视觉的车辆与前方车距检测·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A cat suddenly jumped out from the shaded area.
The shaded area is a value above and below the function that the tile is within.
The customer information in the grey shaded area is stored in a separate relational database.