Snuggling Him 依偎他
I M Snuggling 我依偎
Snuggling Up Close 依偎关闭
You Re Snuggling 你依偎
Snuggling Close To Him 依偎靠近他
Snuggling Down 依偎下来
Snuggling Back To Me 依偎还给我
V-I If you snuggle somewhere, you settle yourself into a warm, comfortable position, especially by moving closer to another person. 依偎
Jane snuggled up against his shoulder.
She seized grandmother's hands and arms and snuggling up to her did not for joy utter one more word.
The floor of the "cuddle zone" is soon covered with complete strangers snuggling and cuddling, but that's as far as it goes.
Today, I was snuggling with my boyfriend on the couch.