... So Much for the Afterglow 唱片名 So Much For The City 城市不过如此 ; 唱片名 So Susceptible For The Nature 应是绿肥红瘦 ...
Yao Ming has also done so much for the city of Houston.
Yao Ming has also done so much for the city of Houston.
For those few days, it becomes possible to go from one end of that great city to the other without needing a haircut and a change of socks because you just spent so much time stuck in traffic.
在这几天(特殊的)日子里,你可以从容穿梭于这个庞大的城市。 要在平日里,经历漫长的堵车之后,你会感觉头上刚剪的头发似乎又长了,而脚下到了该换袜子的时候了。
But for Aristotle it is not the liberty of the individual so much as the functioning or functional well-being of the city that is the highest priority.