... 诡辩的, 久经世故的 sophisticated 诡辩改变不了历史 sophistry cannot alter history 连锁推理, 连锁诡辩 sorites ...
sorites paradox 连锁推理悖论 ; 提出的沙堆悖论
progressive sorites 前进式联锁推理
Aristotelian sorites 亚里士多德复合三段论 ; 亚里士多德连锁论法
sorites s 诡辩法
N a polysyllogism in which the premises are arranged so that intermediate conclusions are omitted, being understood, and only the final conclusion is stated 连锁推理
N a paradox of the form 连锁诡辩
these few grains of sand do not constitute a heap, and the addition of a single grain never makes what is not yet a heap into a heap: so no matter how many single grains one adds it never becomes a heap