standing wave separator [矿业] 驻波选矿机
standing wave proton accelerator 驻波质子加速器
X ray standing wave X射线驻波
standing wave 定波 ; [物] 驻波 ; 立波
standing wave field [物] 驻波场 ; 驻波声场
standing wave node [物] 驻波节点
以上来源于: WordNet
N the periodic disturbance in a medium resulting from the combination of two waves of equal frequency and intensity travelling in opposite directions. There are generally two kinds of displacement, and the maximum value of the amplitude of one of these occurs at the same points as the minimum value of the amplitude of the other. Thus in the case of electromagnetic radiation the amplitude of the oscillations of the electric field has its greatest value at the points at which the magnetic oscillation is zero, and vice versa 驻波 (Also called stationary wave) [physics]
And a standing wave means there is a geometric constraint which is what?
Their mutual self-supporting pose is continuously almost-falling, like a standing wave in a spring creek.
According to Peter Handel of the University of Missourithat can, in the right circumstances, create a standing wave of electromagneticenergy which makes the surrounding air glow.
密苏里州大学的Peter Handel认为如果这样的话,水分子就能创造出电磁驻波从而使得周围的空气发光。