Star Crossed Love 星位交错的爱
Still Star-Crossed 悲恋再续
Star-Crossed Census Rescheduled 生不逢时的人口普查
a pair of star-crossed lovers 一对不幸的恋人
Star Crossed 跨星之恋 ; 星恋
Star Crossed Lovers 灾星下出生的恋人们 ; 被诅咒的爱人
ADJ If someone is star-crossed, they keep having bad luck. 时运不济的 [文学性] [usu ADJ n] lovers parted by war and conflict.
The phone was star-crossed from its released, and a few short weeks after launch.
This is the story of Samsung and how it made a difference in the lives of several star-crossed mobile users.
According to local legend, the falls were formed when two star-crossed lovers incurred the wrath of a vengeful god.