... supremely 无上地 wonderfully 绝妙地 ecstatically 心醉神迷地 ...
Supremely Accurate 无比精准的
supremely happy 极为高兴
supremely gifted 极富才华
lead supremely 最高级领导
supremely gentle eye makeup remover 轻柔眼部卸妆乳
supremely perfect being 最完美者
be supremely happy 喜之不尽
be supremely skilled 古代有个杀牛的人最初杀牛
Expressed Supremely Confident 表示对极不自信
"he was supremely confident"
以上来源于: WordNet
consummately , nobly
词根: supreme
supreme 最高的;至高的;最重要的
supremacist 至上主义者的
supreme 至高;霸权
supremacist 至上主义者
She does her job supremely well.
They managed it all supremely well.
Iris Murdoch was regarded by many as a supremely good and serious writer.
We're going to look at one example of an episode in which the promise is affirmed--or confirmed, reaffirmed--and an example of an episode in which the promise is supremely threatened.
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Which is why it seems supremely odd, and stupid, that no candidate is courting small business.
FORBES: All The Presidential Contenders Are Blowing It
In democratic countries, almost everybody agrees that religious freedom is a supremely important ideal.
ECONOMIST: Our new blog on religion
Santa Cruz has 300 days of sun a year, and its setting is supremely beautiful.
FORBES: Magazine Article