...权的定价 六、股票指数期权的定价 七、利率期权的定价 八、二叉树(二项式)期权定价模型(the binomial option pricing model) 九、Black-Scholes模型与二叉树模型的比较 十、期权的衍生物(option derivatives) 一、期权交易的四种基本策略 二、期权的其他...
This paper summarizes the study on options pricing in view of quantum finance, such as the path integrals approach, the gauge theory of arbitrage, and the quantum model of binomial option pricing.
In Chapter 2, we compare the classic theory about option pricing in convertible bond. We clarified the reason of using binomial -tree model.
The paper expounds the application of real option in the financing decision of startup firms in uncertainty on the theoretical basis of riskneutral pricing approach and binomial model.
综述了新兴的量子金融理论在期权定价上的应用,包括量子力学路径积分方法和虚拟套利动态测量理论, 以及二项式期权定价的量子模型。