...科夫夫妇(Ilya and Emila Kabakov)有鉴于失眠症状似乎成为当下社会共通的困扰,二○○六年的《梦之屋》(The House of Dream)一作中,塑造出纯然洁白的空间,像是具有洗涤不洁的仪式气氛,又或是带有临床医学保证的治疗场所,观众被要求换上白色的鞋套,安...
I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house was worth facing his disappointment in me.
The ‘Dream House’ Rings are miniatures rings of actual buildings rendered in 18-karat gold and platinum.
“Dream House”Rings是带有微缩建筑的戒指,由18克拉黄金和铂金制成。
Once you buy that dream house, you are going to be in it far past the period of hedonic adaptation.