Bret Anthony Johnston is the author of the internationally acclaimed Corpus Christi, named a Best Book of the Year by the Independent of London and the Irish Times.
Bret Anthony Johnston为受到国际好评的Corpus Christi的作者,被《伦敦独立报》和《爱尔兰时报》誉为年度最佳书。
When he arrived in London he worked for a small bakery as a delivery man but later bought the business, transforming it into one of largest independent manufacturers of frozen gateaux in Europe.
当他来到伦敦时,他为一家小面包坊做送货员。 不过后来接管了生意,而后段变成全欧洲最大的冷藏奶油蛋糕生产厂。
The Independent and the London Evening Standard depend on the largesse of foreign investors.