情侣和新婚夫妻可在今天,也就是英国的五朔节(The May Day),尝试别有情趣的小婚礼— 绑手礼 绑手礼 ( Handfasting ):是一种英国传统的婚礼仪式,其起源可以追溯至古老的凯尔特风俗,那...
During the May Day 在五一节期间
Plan for the May Day 五一计划
during the May Day holiday 在五一假期期间 ; 五一假期
The May Day conging 五一来了
the May Day holidays 五一黄金周
the story of May day 劳动节的由来
May Day the Labor's Day 国际劳动节
May The Day That 可能那天说
In the days coming up to the May Day holiday, students of various grades at the school worked together in the fields, says school principal Yang Bo.
The parks are decorated for the May Day celebrations.
During the May day holiday, my parents and I climbed Mount Tai.