《物权法》实施对船舶物权立法的影响_法学理论论文 关键词: 物权法;船舶物权;船舶物权立法 [gap=479]Key Words: the Real Right Act; title of the ship; legislation of the real right of ships
...,法律论文,立法,影响,物权,船舶,实施,登记, 关键词: 物权法;船舶物权;船舶物权立法 [gap=480]Key Words: the Real Right Act; title of the ship; legislation of the real right of ships ..
The agile development cycle allowed the system test team to act like a real customer, from the application design right through coding and unit testing of the system test application.
The third chapter is the emphasis. The chapter analyzes the ralations among justic act, real right change and real right On The Pablic Dispay.
As the theoretical foundation of system of the change of real right, the theory of juristic act of real right is created by civil law of Germany.