the rules of supreme court
...民事诉讼规则草案》,其中建议制定一个最高法院和郡法院统一适用的规则,以取代《最高法院规则》(the Rules of Supreme Court)和《郡法院规则》(County Court Rules),这一草案便是英国现行《民事诉讼规则》的前身。
the rules of supreme court
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
In fact, the new Jersey Supreme Court recently issued new rules to prevent innocent people from being wrongly convicted of a crime based upon eyewitness testimony.
Rules of Evidence currently in force were promulgated by the Supreme Court and enacted by Congress in 1975.
In 1938, the Supreme Court promulgated the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which are periodically updated and renewed by the U. S. Judicial Conference.
After nearly two weeks of debate, 57 senators (44 Democrats and 13 Republicans) voted in favour of preserving the soft money ban if the Supreme Court rules other parts of the bill unconstitutional.
BBC: US campaign finance 'set for overhaul'
The activists, along with members of the media and curious bystanders, thronged the area in front of the Supreme Court building while police officers enforced traffic rules and discouraged people from blocking the sidewalk or the steps of the court.
WSJ: Outside the Court, Activists Argue Their Cases
But as different judges reach different answers -- and as some of those answers, I fear, create risks for our national security -- there remains a pressing need for Congress, working with the administration, to establish one set of rules that is both consistent with the Supreme Court's decision and recognizes the important national security and intelligence interests of the United States.
WSJ: Al Qaeda Detainees and Congress's Duty