美国伊利诺大学(The University of Illinois)芝加哥分校的神经学家多福‧康默研究蟑螂的脱逃行为,指出「往蟑螂身上吹风,牠在50毫秒内就会开始逃跑。
美国伊利诺斯大学 » The University of Illinois 在一起的这两年里、会是我最美好的回忆 » Together the two years, would be my best memories ..
... 15. 德州理工大学(Texas Tech University) 16. 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(The University of Illinois) 17. 加州富乐敦州立大学(California State University, Fullerton) ...
罗伯特·托马斯·蒂尔尼/著 美国加利福尼亚大学出版社将于6月出版伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)副教授罗伯特·托马斯·蒂尔尼(Robert Thomas Tierney)的新书《二十世纪之怪物:幸德秋水与日本首次反帝运动...
The University of Illinois Hospital 芝加哥伊利诺大学校医院
As a student at the University of Illinois, he and his friends had developed a program called Mosaic, which allowed people to share information on the worldwide web.
作为伊利诺伊大学的一名学生,他和他的朋友们开发了一个叫做 Mosaic 的程序,这个程序允许人们在万维网上共享信息。
As a student at the University of Illinois, he and his friends had developed a program called Mosaic, which allowed people to share information on the World Wide Web.
The earliest research report on the five-second rule is attributed to Jillian Clarke, a high school student participating in a research project at the University of Illinois.
Project scientist Harris Lewin from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign predicts there will be more laboratory cows in the future.
VOA: special.2009.05.05
I remember--before I taught here I used to teach at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
David Robson from the University of Illinois Extension says the best results come from moist, richly organic black soil.
VOA: special.2009.07.07