上肢 The Upper Limbs 述 Introduction P27 肩峰(acromion): ⑴ 肩峰 喙突(coracoid process) ⑵ 喙突 ⑶ 肱骨大结节 greater tubercle 肱骨内、外上髁...
The final diagnosis was amelia of the lower limbs with transerse hemimelia of the upper limbs .
Biomechanics Of The Upper Limbs: mechanics, Modeling And Musculoskeletal Injuries, Second Edition.
Jian Yu is effective for pain in the shoulder and arm, motor impairment of the upper limbs, urticaria.
You can see this region here is going to develop into one of the upper limbs, the arms here and the back is different from the front, the spinal cord is developing in the back, whereas, the structures that become our intestinal tract is developing on the other surface.