杜维明认为,亨廷顿的文明冲突论的背后有着“西方和西方之外”(the West and the Rest)的不可相容的预设,体现出的仍旧是欧洲或者西方中心主义。有鉴于此,杜维明力倡二十一世纪将是文明对话的世纪。
The "great divergence" between the West and the rest lasted for two centuries.
His next book, "Civilization: the West and the Rest," will be published in March.
To lump together China and India, Brazil and Russia is to nourish a facile narrative that the new global order is best defined as a contest between the west and the rest.
So plants and animals there are more like those found in northern Canada than in the rest of West Virginia.
VOA: special.2009.07.20
Of course Jefferson Davis really preferred to be a military officer and went to West Point and on and on and on, and the rest is history.
Where the young may exult and the aged may rest, Away,far away, to the land of the west."
VOA: special.2010.05.13