论文大致有两类,一类是 理论的 ( Theoretical ),一类是实证的(Empirical),要写 理论的 就必须有新模型、新结果,如果写实证的就必须有新数据、新方法或新发现。
Theoretical Chemistry [物化] 理论化学 ; 理论基础
Theoretical Mechanics [力] 理论力学 ; 意见力学 ; 定见力学
theoretical biology [生物] 理论生物学 ; 生物学理论
Theoretical Ecology [生态] 理论生态学
Theoretical Computer Science [计] 理论计算机科学 ; 荷兰 ; 理论电脑科学 ; 会议录
Theoretical Economics [经] 理论经济学 ; 至少理论经济方面 ; 经济学
Theoretical frequency [数] 理论频数 ; 理论数 ; 意见频数 ; 理论频数T
theoretical basis 理论基础 ; 理论依据 ; 理论的基础
Theoretical plate [化工] 理论塔板
ADJ A theoretical study or explanation is based on or uses the ideas and abstract principles that relate to a particular subject, rather than the practical aspects or uses of it. 理论的
...theoretical physics.
ADJ If you describe a situation as a theoretical one, you mean that although it is supposed to be true or to exist in the way stated, it may not in fact be true or exist in that way. 理论上的
This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.