... Transform Type-In 键盘输入变换 Transform Type-In 变换输入 ; 用键盘输入变换值 ; 输入变换 ; 变换输入框 Rotate Transform Type-In 旋转变换输入 ...
... Transform Type-In 键盘输入变换 Transform Type-In 变换输入 ; 用键盘输入变换值 ; 输入变换 ; 变换输入框 Rotate Transform Type-In 旋转变换输入 ...
Transform Type-In Dialog 键盘输入变换对话框 ; 输入变换对话框
Transform type in 键盘输入变换
Absolute Mode Transform Type-in 绝对坐标方式变换输入 ; 绝对模式转换类型中 ; 绝对型模式转变
Move Transform Type-In 移动变换输入
Scale Transform Type-In 缩放变换输入
Rotate Transform Type-In 旋转变换输入
A Absolute Mode Transform Type-in 绝对坐标方式变换输入
Offset mode Transform Type-in 相对坐标方式变换输入
Absolute e Mode Transform Type-in 绝对坐标方式变换输入
Add a transformation XSL style sheet similar to that in Listing 8 to transform the questionnaire XML in Listing 7 for the new media type.
In the output Message Parsing TAB of the XSL Transform node it is possible to specify a Message domain, Message set, Message type and Message format that will associated with the output of the XSLT.
在XSL Transform节点的Out put Message Parsing选项卡中,可以指定将与XSLT的输出关联的消息域、消息集、消息类型和消息格式。
You use the extract transform to extract parts of a string and assign those parts to another string, or to any other primitive type, with the caveat we mentioned in the move transform section.