空间群(Space group)是三维点群(3D point group)和与之相容的平移群(translation group)的半直积,之所以是半直接,而不是弱直积或者外直积,主要是因为对于任何一个实仿射群而言(空间坐标任意变换的矩阵形式),平移...
Address Translation Group 地址转换组
continuous translation group [数] 连续平移群
Translation group symmetry 平移群对称性
parallel translation group 平移群
primitive translation group 初基平移群
group translation 基团转移
Translation team members download TV shows through different methods: watching directly from a Web site or downloading from a translation group Web site.
Major English, professional translation experience and excellent translation group. Show you our quality and service; please show me your trust and comfort.
Chinese subtitles provided by YYets group, one of the first translation groups dedicated to open courses translation, are recognized as some of the best in the industry.