unowned reference 无主引用 ; 非所有参照
Unowned speed flashes when 无主速时闪烁亮
Unowned Debris 女权朋克
Dont Known - Unowned 没吃书也没拥有的
Neutering unowned animals 绝育无主狗
Managed unowned relationships 受管的无主关系
Stray and unowned dogs should be impounded .
Prepare to make the change: Scan your system for unowned files.
This script quickly finds all your unowned files and prints the output to the screen.
John Locke said private property arises because when we mix our labor with things, unowned things, we come to aquire a property right in those things.
There are some examples that can bring out the moral intuition that our labor can take something that is unowned and make it ours, though sometimes, there are disputes about this.