... Vast Universe 茫茫宇宙 ; 浩瀚大千 ; 浩瀚宇宙 ; 苍茫宇宙 Vast Land 辽阔土地 ; 宽阔土地 ; 广阔土地 pass vast 通辽 ...
... Vast Universe 茫茫宇宙 ; 浩瀚大千 ; 浩瀚宇宙 ; 苍茫宇宙 Vast Land 辽阔土地 ; 宽阔土地 ; 广阔土地 pass vast 通辽 ...
green vast land with grasses 种草原绿化大片土地
Love in the vast land 爱在苍茫大地
The Vast Land 千里江山图
vast land and numerous people 广土众民 ; 土地广大
At The Vast Land 在辽阔大地
China S Vast Land 中国地大物博
a vast expanse of land 辽阔的土地
a vast extent of land 辽阔的土地 ; 广大的土地
Vast Grazing Land 辽阔牧场
We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests.
Probably floating in the sky, or deep down in the vast land.
In your vast land, generation after generation of Chinese people with their own hands have created the splendid Oriental civilization.
The vast overwhelming majority of people needed to farm land, in order to stay alive.