Wedge-shaped defect [口腔] 楔状缺损 ; 临床疗效 ; 楔 ; 楔形缺损
wedge-shaped defects 楔状缺损
wedge-shaped block 楔形地块
It possessed the body of a fish and the head of an owl, complete with massive eyes and a wedge-shaped beak.
Skeletal structure of a mole, with shovel-shaped hands and wedge-shaped skull, giving the mole perfect tunneling tools.
With their huge, wedge-shaped heads and silver-dollar-size brown eyes, the 2, 000-pound animals are symbols of another place and time.
野牛们极大的头部呈楔形状,眼睛如银元般大小。 这些两千磅重的庞然大物是另一个空间和年代的象征。