就像球队今年新口号“Welcome To The Moment(欢迎来到这个时刻)”说的那样,2017-2018赛季球队已经不再需要那个冗长并且痛心的过程,现在是时候要掀开一个新的篇章-- 向季后赛挺进。
"Injuries are never welcome, but it came in the right moment because it gave me a little bit more time to rest and recover," said Djokovic.
Well, at that moment a cab appeared so we declined, but you see the point: this is a country where people welcome foreigners and where women are comfortable going up to strangers to offer help.
But at the moment they are more worried about a slowing economy and rising energy costs. So they are unlikely to welcome higher fuel taxes, as Mr Dion proposes.
但是此刻加拿大人更担心的是经济停滞和能源消耗增加,所以他们不可能欢迎Mr Dion的提高燃料税的建议。