3、神奇小子(Whiz Kids)的亊迹及对人们的吭发? 第六节:管理真正的底线:任务和评量标准 1、最强而有力的管理原则之一:让组细的目标具体化 2、亨利·福...
The Whiz Kids 蓝血十杰
Those Asian-American Whiz kids 亚洲的神童们
Three young IT whiz kids 三个年轻的IT精英
Whiz Kids Express Monthly 儿童快报月刊
American Whiz kids 亚洲的神童们
Many schools in China have provided a special education program for these whiz kids to explore their potential and develop their unusual talents.
Along with the Internet, the mobile phone has revolutionized communication. The mobile has spread from city whiz kids to Brazilian slum dwellers.
First, historical learning is patchy at best largely, I'd argue, because so much of economic history doesn't offer the kind of data which econometric whiz kids feel comfortable with.