woeful ignorance 可悲的无知
Woeful Rain 心碎雨
Woeful Loyalty 忠者之恸
Four Woeful States 四恶道 ; 遗憾的
a woeful face 一副悲伤的面容
Woeful Education 可悲教育
quiescent woeful 静止的凋零
W woeful 可怜的
ADJ If someone or something is woeful, they are very sad. 悲伤的
...a woeful ballad.
woefully ADV 悲伤地 [ADV with v]
He said woefully: "I love my country, but it does not give a damn about me."
ADJ You can use woeful to emphasize that something is very bad or undesirable. 糟糕透顶的 [journalism]
...the woeful state of the economy.
woefully ADV 糟糕透顶地
Public expenditure on the arts is woefully inadequate.