The board of the directors unanimously agreed that Mr White was the best candidate for the job. a board of trustees; a board of directors.
Article 23 the board of trustees, the board of directors or the joint managerial committee of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall exercise the following powers.
The policy was implemented in year two of a three-year no-smoking plan championed by the hospital’s board of trustees.
The OCLC Board of Trustees has appointed a new Record Use Policy Council to rework the terms of use governing its WorldCat bibliographic database.
OCLC理事会任命了一个新的记录使用政策委员会 修订其管理的WorldCat书目数据库的使用条款。
Please take a moment to read the following Discussion Forum Policy which has been adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Orthodox Fellowship of All Saints of China.
John thought he had a good chance to get the job, for his father was on the company's board of trustees.
The school was first named the school for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb and it was under the direction of a five-member board of trustees until 1905.
Article 24 the board of trustees, the board of directors or the joint managerial committee of a Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school shall meet at least once a year.
Van Andel earned a bachelor's degree in economics and business administration from Hillsdale College in Hillsdale, Michigan, and is a current member of the school's board of trustees.
She formerly served on the Board of Trustees of the Lingnan Foundation, a supporter of education initiatives in southern China.
She is an appointed member of the Chinese Council of International Cooperation on Environment and Development and a member of the Board of Trustees of Environmental Defense Fund.
She is an appointed member of the Chinese Council of International Cooperation on Environment and Development and a member of the Board of Trustees of Environmental Defense Fund.