Brizendine believes that her advanced age for a pregnant woman, 42, actually lessened the potential pain.
Wolf believes that excellent care in the pet industry may be the reason she is healthy at her advanced age.
Mr. BERMAN: I don't happen to go to very many anymore just because of my advanced age, to some extent.
Francis' approach marks a shift from that of Benedict, who stepped down in February, citing his advanced age and frailty.
We must show a respectful attitude to the views and positions of these people, most of whom are of advanced age.
For example, there are literally hundreds of nuclear plants of advanced age.
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Paul Scholes and Ryan Giggs, for example, have gone from Manchester United stalwarts to squad players, accepting reduced minutes in advanced age.
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It is unknown who could be in the market for Urlacher, since his speed and athleticism may not mesh well with advanced age.
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News Monday that Benedict was stepping down at the end of February "because of advanced age" shocked the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics.
The advanced age of this rally is just one reason to expect that it will soon be big companies' turn to lead the market.
Even with his advanced age and health issues, Graham remains "actively involved in ministry and writing projects, " his evangelistic association and the hospital said.
Annuity payments can be deferred until retirement or advanced age, at which point tax would be due on the income component of the annuity payments.
In addition to everything else, his memory reflects his advanced age.
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When he resigned, Benedict cited his advanced age as the reason, saying he no longer had the strength for "an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry".
Cruise lines have consistently opposed changes to DOHSA. Many of their passengers are, because of their youth or advanced age, not providing financial support to anyone.
Napolitano, citing his advanced age, had repeatedly refused to be a candidate for another term that would see him turn nearly 95 when it runs out.
Parmalat founder Calisto Tanzi is serving an eight-year sentence on market rigging related to the stunning 2003 collapse of his dairy empire despite his advanced age.
Therefore the ability to have children until relatively late in life might be a sign that a woman is well equipped to live to an advanced age.
Their advanced age makes them far likelier to die from other causes, so the course of action typically recommended for them is watchful waiting or, sometimes, hormone therapy.
But he also speculates that it's to do with the rise in second marriages for men, sometimes with younger women, which can mean becoming a father again at a more advanced age.
In turn the Frankfurt prosecutors' office said that there was little interest in pursuing a case against the filmmaker, who turned 100 in August this year, due to her advanced age.
Dr Laufer believes that identifying women with the genetic fingerprints that they have found would enable doctors to know which women are still fertile in advanced age and may determine the counseling they need.
After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
"After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine Ministry, " he added.
"After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry, " he told the cardinals.
Known as "ancient grains, " thanks to the advanced age of the species (a cool 5, 000 years old in some cases) and because they've managed to evade the industrial grooming of modern crops like wheat and corn, these old-school strains have retained their unique personalities.
"Given his advanced age and deteriorating health, justice may be better served by turning a compassionate eye towards this good son, father and patriot and finding it in your heart not to add 'prisoner' to Anthony Marshall's otherwise unblemished resume, " Roker wrote in his letter to the court.
"After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine Ministry, " the pope said in a declaration in Latin to a gathering of cardinals on Monday.