He spent the first half of his life as a near-invalid, ill and frail and certain he was doomed to an early death, just like Shelley.
ECONOMIST: A man who, by turns, was seductive and infuriating
But only 1, 200 patients have that mutation, or 4% of the 30, 000 Americans afflicted with the disease, which also causes digestive problems and leads to an early death.
FORBES: Personalized Cystic Fibrosis Drugs Get A Booster Shot
"Obviously Senator Collins' support for this revised proposal is great news and proves the nay-sayers wrong who have predicted an early death for campaign finance reform, " McCain said.
He believes the new responsibility given to Oregon's doctors will demand that they redouble efforts to ensure that terminal patients can picture alternatives other than an early death.
Instead, the authors point to high rates of obesity, tobacco use, and other preventable risk factors for an early death as the leading drivers of the gap between the US and other nations.
FORBES: Bernie Saunders' Report: Is Poverty a Death Sentence?
Prof Robert West, from the health behaviour research unit at University College London, said it was important to remember that smoking had more effects on the body than leading to an early death, such as ageing the skin.
BBC: Women smokers who quit by 30 'evade earlier death risks'
Dr Jackson and his colleagues found that after eight days of infection, only one of the 12 mice that had been treated with saline, exposed to H1N1, and not picked out for an early death was still alive.
ECONOMIST: A new way to protect against infection is undergoing tests
Supporters of the compensation ban have unquestioningly allowed their mistaken moral discomfort to warp the market and condemn many to an unnecessarily early death.
FORBES: To Save Lives, Allow Individuals To Sell Their Organs
The only factor working against this strategy would be an early, untimely death, especially if the individual in question is not married.
FORBES: The Dilemma: File for Social Security Early, or Use IRA Funds?
She was the sister of the more famous Nadia, whose early death in 1918 put an end to a remarkable talent.
William Patrick Swanton said early Thursday morning that the death toll is only an estimate as search and rescue operations remain under way in the town of West.
Between the early 1960s and his death in 1996, Hebborn created an estimated 1, 000 drawings in the manner of various Old Masters, artfully mixed in with thousands more of legitimate origin that he handled as a dealer.
FORBES: The Case Of The Art Forger Who Restored Dead Painters' Careers [Book Excerpt]
Malala was attacked by extremists while she was on a school bus, because of her known efforts from an early age to promote the right to education for girls, defying obstacles and even death threats.
The pack includes a touchscreen equipped Chocolate knockoff (very 2006, but still quite strapping), a branded version of the AMOI N810 Windows Mobile 6 Professional device, a black slider that looks like death incarnated, and an ultra-generic silver clamshell that looks straight out of the early part of this decade.
ENGADGET: Sharper Image selling self-branded cellphones Mobile
Marshall turned an early partnership with Fred Koch into a 16% stake in Koch Industries that was worth billions of dollars upon his death in 1995.
FORBES: Anna Nicole Smith's Daughter Wins Sanctions From Marshall Estate