Lewis Perling, a defense attorney for the Atlanta-based credit bureau, declined to comment on the litigation.
The idea that Cablevision is resisting its competition is nonsense, attorney Peter Bee tells residents.
Two bartenders were arrested in connection with Shabazz's killing, the attorney general's office said.
If your attorney advises you to establish a corporation for your investment property, get a second opinion.
She will be missed as a prosecutor, and she will be clearly missed as a U.S. attorney.
For nearly a decade, while serving as an elected official and working as an attorney, Massachusetts state Sen.
An e-mail from the attorney general's chief of staff, Kyle Sampson, recommended firing Lam in March of 2005.
On Wednesday, the U.S. attorney in New York charged former CEO Phillip Bennett with securities fraud.
Troops turned the case over to the Mexican attorney general's office, the defense ministry said.
CNN: Will new video convince Mexican judge to free U.S. mom?
Sotomayor joined the Manhattan District Attorney's office in 1979 during an epic crime wave.
Cutler worked often in tandem with New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.
Royall, 38, "has experienced mental anguish and loss of business reputation, " says his attorney Patrick Zummo.
See page 72 for Michael Freedman's story on the runaway attorney general from New York.
Alternatively, a general durable power of attorney can spring into effect upon your disability.
Obviously, you should only name individuals whom you eminently trust to serve as your attorney-in-fact.
"We're pretty close to recession-proof, " suggest Chris Bradford, a local attorney and blogger in Austin.
Bell, a Charlotte attorney, said he didn't know how many had responded ahead of Friday's deadline.
And Arsalan Iftikhar is a civil rights attorney and founder of themuslimguy.com here in Washington, D.
After court adjourned, Hassoun appeared to express relief as he smiled and hugged his attorney.
Ron Meshbesher, a veteran criminal attorney based in Minneapolis, thinks Craig might have a shot.
The troops were scheduled to appear Wednesday, but didn't show, according to a defense attorney.
CNN: Arizona mom turns to scripture to survive in Mexican jail
Leading FCA treatise author and attorney John Boese has noted this flaw as well.
FORBES: Spot the Conflict of Interest? Federal Courts Can't in Expanding Qui Tam Suits
Dr. A had hired the office manager on the recommendation of his prior attorney.
Immigration attorney David Leopold is a national executive officer of the American Immigration Lawyer's Association.
The attorney insisted the statements in the report were false and demanded a correction.
The focus of that effort, according to Brown, is on District Attorney Ron Moore.
FORBES: OpCartel Focuses on North Carolina District Attorney
"We finally caught the Loch Ness Monster with a camcorder, " King attorney Milton Grimes said.
Ohio attorney, David Langdon, founder of the Jobs and Progress Fund, didn't respond to messages yesterday.
Graves, Hunt's attorney, had earlier asked that the charges be reduced to a misdemeanor.
And indeed, on Capitol Hill Thursday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was not sounding particularly chastened.