The idea is to raise people's curiosity enough while ensuring they won't be annoyed at being distracted from the tennis.
If I were a millennial, I would be annoyed with popular media.
Where would that leave theatergoers who just want to see a show and not be annoyed or tell their friends about it in real time?
Plenty of Catalan businessmen, less nationalist than their poorer brethren, would be annoyed if Mr Pujol broke with Mr Aznar, with the economy in such good trim.
The gamble here is that some people may be annoyed with what they might see as unnecessary extra steps, especially if they have no interest in the new Metro apps.
We still haven't been given pricing or availability (aside from being told it will be released in the coming weeks), though owners of the original T-Mobile Note will still be annoyed at how fast its sequel came out.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Note II for T-Mobile hands-on Mobile
"It got bad in a certain way when I started to be extremely annoyed after the vote of confidence, which Bernie appeared not to accept, " Mosley said.
If you had been paying attention, you would have already taken care of this and, frankly, if you use a preparer they might be a little annoyed at you asking them to amend a 2009 return while they are in the middle of trying to get a bunch of 2012 returns done.
Such a customer, mobile operators hope, is likely to be more grateful than annoyed by the intrusion.
EU. His defence minister, Akis Tsochatzopoulos, was annoyed not to be told of the Madrid agreement in advance.
You expect the excluded person to be, at the very least, a little annoyed.
FORBES: The Hidden Dangers of Leaving Someone Out of the Loop
Though, when conservative commentators take her limited role in the fight to raise rich people's taxes seriously enough that they decided to speculate that she is too rich to be the poster child for the downtrodden, she'd have to be amused, if she wasn't going to get annoyed.
He is battling now against a French attempt to call a conference in Paris next month on the basis of Mr Obama's formula that so annoyed him last month: that the starting point should be the 1967 line, with mutually agreed land swaps and security provisions.