• For the 2008 season baseball team owners went for big enchilada, hiking prices 10%.

    FORBES: MLB Playing Small Ball With Ticket Prices

  • But the big enchilada, the guy who takes home the million bucks.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | China: The Luckiest Geek in China

  • The big enchilada of public higher education, the State of California, has ten university campuses, twenty-three state-college campuses, a hundred and twelve community-college campuses, and more than 3.3 million students.

    NEWYORKER: Live and Learn

  • Jeffrey Skilling 's "big enchilada" has finally come to pass, but testifying on his own behalf was certainly not the dish he had in mind when he used the phrase in the mid-1990s.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • No, the big enchilada for Skilling is neither Enron 's failed broadband division nor its retail energy business, as Bethany McLean reports him predicting in The Smartest Guys in the Room, the book she co-authored with fellow Fortune reporter Peter Elkind.

    FORBES: Jeffrey Skilling's 'Big Enchilada'

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