• No longer will Britain be bound by every anti-business, nanny state, interfering regulation dreamt up by the Commission.

    BBC: News | UK Politics | John Maples speech in full

  • In the long run, the cosseting of state-owned firms is bound to hinder the growth of the private sector.

    ECONOMIST: Reform is coming to a still-cautious Vietnam

  • The poll also didn't ask about Cuomo's push for a law to provide state tuition assistance to college-bound illegal immigrants, and the decriminalization of public possession of small amounts of marijuana.

    WSJ: Poll shows NYers support much of Cuomo's agenda

  • This is because the strain on subsidies is bound to increase as the government usually raises the state-assured prices paid to farmers every year for procuring food grain stocks, while the supply price would remain frozen under the proposed law, he added.

    WSJ: India Cabinet Clears Food-Security Bill

  • Unlike charter schools they are essentially corporate-built public schools that are bound by union contracts and state regulations.

    FORBES: Build it and they will come

  • Two chamois, startled at this quiet time of day, bound across the trail, over the wall and into their state-protected sanctuary.

    BBC: The perfect trip: Switzerland

  • In Iran's complex political system, the head of state is answerable to the conservative-dominated parliament and bound by the absolute rule of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

    ECONOMIST: Islam and the ballot box | The

  • Mr Bremmer, the president of the Eurasia Group, a political-risk consultancy, points out that state capitalism's fate is bound up with the fortunes of some very unpleasant political cliques, such as the Saudi royal family and the Russian oligarchy.

    ECONOMIST: The state and the economy

  • Although some contend that we already adhere to some of the navigational practices found in LOST, either because we recognize them as customary international law or consider ourselves bound to such practices by previous (non-LOST) treaty commitments, this Treaty alters the framework entirely by requiring state parties to submit to mandatory dispute resolution mechanisms, the rulings of which are binding and without appeal.


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