• "Conjunction Junction" used train cars named "and, " "but" and "or" that illustrated how a conjunction connected words.


  • Not only in a music hall or official venue, but on streets and subways or among unsuspecting (and often pleased) patrons at a restaurant.

    CNN: What is jazz?

  • Reagan and George Bush the younger both lost their first debates, but they recovered and either tied or won the remaining ones.

    FORBES: Are Debates In The US Presidential Elections Really Important In Terms Of Determining Results?

  • For instance, reporters could see if subscribers had been looking at top news stories, or if they had been gathering data on stocks or bonds, but not which stories or bonds and stocks they had looked up, according to Bloomberg LP spokesman Ty Trippet.

    WSJ: Bloomberg editor apologizes on information access

  • The federal government mandates that hospitals keep patient privacy sacred under the 1996 Health Information and Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA. But doctors and hospitals are bound by law in some cities and states to report every gun-violence incident.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They haven't used it since then, but whether or not they and the Russians and the Chinese will vote eventually, depending I guess on Dr Blix and other's reports, for a resolution, or whether they'll vote against but not veto, I don't know.

    BBC: Breakfast with Frost

  • In 2004, the pair started Rising Tide Capital (RTC) to help those who had ideas and abilities but needed the education and support to launch or grow their businesses.

    CNN: Small U.S. businesses thrive with Ethiopian woman's help

  • Everyone has different needs, sleep patterns, jobs, stressors and biologies, but chances are one or a combination of these apps and gadgets will lead you to your own sleepy path.

    WSJ: High-Tech Sleep Aids: The Tech to Get Some Z's

  • But there is one question where I also hear the same response: Would you hire the most qualified but lukewarm candidate or the lesser but still qualified and enthusiastic candidate?

    FORBES: 3 Reasons Why The Most Qualified Candidate Doesn't Get The Job

  • To use a different metaphor, the Federal Reserve is like the team captain on a bobsleigh, he or she can turn the sleigh left or right a bit or put on and release the brakes, but he or she cannot make the sleigh go uphill.

    FORBES: The Federal Reserve Produces A Black Swan

  • In other words, spectrum reuse and more spectrum are not either-or alternatives but are mutually helpful and reinforcing.

    FORBES: Damming the Digital River

  • "They should also encourage employers to do the same thing by putting in showers and helping people who not only want to cycle in, but run in or walk in, and I think it is important that they do that as well, " he said.

    BBC: Target obesity in the workplace, say business leaders

  • On a dusty patch of ground now stands rack upon rack of western clothes, made perhaps in China or other parts of Asia but already worn in Europe or America and then given away to charities to be sold, for very little, all over Africa, even in places like Lundazi.

    ECONOMIST: Africa 40 years on

  • If Huang or others can successfully use nanotechnology to create junk food that tastes as good as ever but has fat and sugar replacements, or perhaps employs nano-particles that prevent fat or calories from being absorbed and stored by the body, then they've got the holy grail of food.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • These subjects equip learners with social skills necessary not only for peaceful co-existence and non-violent conflict resolution or management but also for community development and poverty reduction.

    UNESCO: Adult Learning and Illiteracy Elimination Programme

  • The deadliest foods to be found on the stalls in street markets and the shelves of supermarkets, though, are not meat or poultry but leafy vegetables and fruit.

    ECONOMIST: Tech.view

  • Or maybe the devices remain useful and beautiful, but, for one reason or another, people no longer want to buy them.

    FORBES: Amazon Will Beat Apple to $1,000

  • "It is a great thing if they stick to supporting their teams within the reasonable and ethical limits, but once it crosses the line and turns aggressive or becomes a vehicle for something completely beyond football then it becomes unacceptable and can lead to disasters, " Hassan said.

    CNN: Soccer star Hassan: Egypt is in a 'dark tunnel'

  • But I marched on and wrote or co-wrote 10 books in a five-year period.

    FORBES: An Author Turns to Software to Take the Tedium out of Writing

  • First came Chinese from state-owned companies, but more and more arrive solo or stay behind after finishing contract work.

    ECONOMIST: The Chinese in Africa

  • Households no longer had one TV but two or three, and the real price of a basic set went down and down.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Her beauty was astonishing, praised by Clark Gable, Cecil Beaton and Vogue, but liner or lipstick had nothing to do with it.

    ECONOMIST: Gayatri Devi, Maharani of Jaipur, died on July 29th, aged 90

  • We will also fund additional research in cutting-edge methods of producing ethanol, not just from corn, but from wood chips and stalks or Swiss grass.

    NPR: Slate's Politics: State of the Union Specifics

  • The gathering included the UN Security Council's five permanent members plus Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Turkey but not Iran or Saudi Arabia, deemed so antagonistic as to cancel each other out.

    ECONOMIST: The crisis in Syria

  • The poufy pleats of ruching, the velvet's nap and the refractions of silk: Such subject matter wasn't noble or timeless, but noble and timeless didn't interest the Impressionists.

    WSJ: A Rustling Theater of the Self | Impressionism, Fashion, and Modernity | Metropolitan Museum of Art | By Laura Jacobs

  • There do seem to be many young adults who are enormously smart and knowledgeable but directionless, who are enthusiastic and exuberant but unable to commit to a particular kind of work or a particular love until well into their 20s or 30s.

    WSJ: What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind?

  • They fumble with Microsoft Streets and Maps or whatever, but it's not the same as having the actual photo spotted on a map and clicking it to see it big, scrolling, zooming.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • They fumble with Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Streets and Maps or whatever, but it's not the same as having the actual photo spotted on a map and clicking it to see it big, scrolling, zooming.

    FORBES: Mapping The Web's Future

  • "I think that when you do cut taxes by substantial amounts, as are bring talked about, some of it will wind up in spending and will help the economy, but the pace or the timing of that help will be rather slow and the pace rather sluggish, " he said.

    BBC: Bush pushes for more tax cuts

  • Type C facilities charge more for residents who move into assisted-living or skilled-nursing units, but also charge smaller or no entrance fees and lower monthly rates for independent living.

    WSJ: Family Value: Beyond Long-Term Care

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