After a few rounds at ABC, the foosball table makes for a fine diversion.
It is expected to take 19 weeks and means an 18-mile diversion for some.
Water management, for example, is probably a bigger worry than the size of the diversion.
But Facebook represents a disturbing trend in U.S. capitalism: genuflection to the diversion industry.
WSJ: Please Wait, This Column on the Facebook IPO Is Browsing Its Friends' Updates
Technology that gets in the way of driving is a distraction rather than a diversion.
It is such a diversion from his intentions that he cannot believe it is happening.
The Celtic cultural revival began as a spectacular diversion at the Eurovision Song Contest in Dublin.
CNN: WorldBeat Spotlight - World's playing along with frenzied fiddlers of Celtic music
They used diversion devices as they entered the home as food was being delivered.
CNN: Suburban Atlanta police: Hostage taker gave us no choice
The road map has already proven a futile and potentially dangerous diversion from that path.
Clash of Clans is perfect for the RTS gamer looking for a mobile diversion.
He knows which buttons to press and where there's room for a little diversion.
Kennedy also focused on a diversion of funds to help pay for the war in Iraq.
"It was a diversion that was not going to get us to scale, " admits Jay C.
It seems like a little diversion to be clicked through and thrown in the fireplace.
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Trying to provide some sort of diversion was the scheduled Bank of Japan (BoJ) meeting.
In 1993, he founded Headspace, a diversion that would eventually turn into a 15-year venture.
All major utility diversion works are to be completed by the end of November 2012.
Third, the diversion of agricultural subsidies involved only 1% of the funds allocated to the programme.
The diversion into media, however, means Salmon gives the hobby argument short shrift, in our view.
The A890's closure at Stromeferry has led to a diversion for drivers of almost 150 miles.
It's not a grand diversion, this is an essential that we get it right.
The dam calls for diversion of up to 100 kilometers of the Xingu, an Amazon River tributary.
Their Cup run had provided Palace, currently lying 22nd, with a diversion from their Championship relegation battle.
The focus on EPA is a diversion and casts a large shadow on what FDA is doing.
So the chance to sit for weeks in a courtroom is probably a welcome diversion for Moussaoui.
Conceivably, it's all a grand diversion from an imminent economic crisis due to borrowing too much.
This has raised suspicions that the Bush administration might be using the alerts as a political diversion.
People want a bit of a diversion as we start to think about the next four years.
The conversation seemed to be a diversion to allow the remaining students to escape, the sheriff said.
Most sufferers felt better with oxygen, rest and fluids and did not require a flight diversion, they wrote.