The truth is that health insurance does not equate with health care access.
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Just keep in mind that an optimistic or pessimistic attitude expressed in a survey does not necessarily equate with action.
The other question is that new drugs, even those that target new mechanisms, do not necessarily equate with superior outcomes.
Advocacy of spending does not equate with promotion of science and technology.
For most people, Mexico doesn't equate with a home for high-tech companies.
Engagement does not merely equate with logging long hours in the office.
Words are a powerful thing, and when we take on a title, subconsciously we also take on the characteristics we equate with the role.
This issue being the yearly ranking of Western celebrity brand buzz, I'm inspired to note that marketability does not necessarily equate with contributions to culture.
Even in this case, managerial success would equate with financial failure.
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Second, it must be recalled that Jomtien did not equate education with formal schooling.
If you were asked how Americans define success, you might guess most equate it with a hefty paycheck.
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People no longer equate Poland with the tantrums, paranoia and idiosyncrasies of the government led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
People equate it with being born in the Delta terminal of Atlanta's airport.
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Buyers tend to equate value with price, so "jade and diamonds are prized for their material costs, " she says.
Yet many Venezuelans equate this with the social-welfare programmes that he has implemented, thanks to oil money and Cuban know-how.
Most people equate pressure with stress, but they are actually not synonymous.
In short, she seems to equate strong with big, effectiveness with ambition.
By reprogramming the brain to no longer equate discomfort with imminent danger, he suggests, we can achieve a state of ease despite life's inevitable hardships.
When facets of society get caught promoted male-centric ideas that equate masculinity with violence, they generally get called on it in one forum or another.
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They sort of equate this with our standard of living as having fallen and then they conclude that something must be impeding our ability to produce things.
And though Abdullah himself is in favour of gradual reform (including reform on such sensitive issues as women's rights), his rivals tend to equate reform with weakness.
People equate price with value, and employers are no different.
The exchange planners want people to equate exchanges with affordability.
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Businesses typically measure sustainability either by counting reductions specific to each domain (BTUs, gallons, kWhs), or they equate sustainability with carbon or cost reductions (typically gained through efficiency improvements).
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However, schools which equate effectiveness with inclusion - full participation for special needs pupils - risk assuming that teaching geared to pupils with special needs will be good for their classmates.
It is common to equate gaming with escapism.
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Today, the dominant model for platforms like Facebook or Klout is to equate reputation with influence, based on how many friends I have, or how often other users like or share information I post.
People equate status with SEC football.
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Obama and others are touting such efforts as signs that the country can bridge one of its deepest cultural divides: The split between mostly rural Americans who cherish guns for hunting and self-defense and urban citizens who equate them with gang violence, drive-by shootings and young lives lost.
She references a few studies that equate mind wandering with negative feelings and depression.