Even as street art becomes more accessible, it remains just controversial enough to be cutting edge.
BBC: In Russia, contemporary art explodes from Soviet shackles
Even as top-tier Japanese institutions go bankrupt or post huge losses, Orix has remained consistently profitable.
The economy is bad, but it's not even as bad as the last recession.
He wrote inflation had "persisted even as demand has moderated and the pricing power of corporates weakened".
But even as Dogpatch booms, devotees say the district still feels like a small town within the city.
BBC: After going to the dogs, a Californian quarter heats up
Kelly's popularity has remained high even as his department's tactics have come under fire.
Even as our troops continue to fight in Afghanistan, the tide of war is receding.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the Defense Strategic Review
But we take its presence for granted even as its use depletes our resources.
None of this has been figured out yet, even as the technology races forward.
FORBES: Silicon Valley vs. Detroit: The Battle For The Car Of The Future
Instead, he continued to file patents on his newest ideas, even as he drove us forward.
Orix's life insurance premium revenues rose 150% last year, even as the industry's declined overall.
Indeed, even as the dull-witted leviathan sinks, many nimble companies have shown remarkably resiliency.
Today Northwest is thriving, even as much of the tool-and-die industry continues to deteriorate.
Two committee members said no to hikes even as 12 month IPCA-15 inflation is over 6.4%.
Some businesses are heroically pulling themselves out of the rubble, even as they bury their dead.
Even as GM's shares rose, an investor frenzy surrounding luxury electric-car maker Tesla Motors Inc.
Even as hiring in general continues to stagnate nationwide, there are spots of real activity.
Wells Fargo again booked record-high quarterly profit even as its key mortgage unit lost ground.
FORBES: Wells Fargo: $5.2 Billion Q1 Profit But Mortgage Business Slips
Yahoo breeds great executives, great people in sales, monetization and strategies, and even as investors.
Grove said that even as the U.S. economy is improving, tech employment is not.
The portable music player market keeps expanding, even as Apple 's iPod increases its dominance.
Even as the company grew, we still set our sales goals by the hour.
FORBES: Were there any rough spots when you were getting started?
It's a kind of magic ingredient that builds flavor even as it saves time and effort.
Of course, even as a bad development as food scarcity can offer good investment opportunities.
But even as March springs us forward, many people are falling back (into bed, that is).
This means that retail sales are still modestly trending up even as vehicle sales fall.
Even as those plans have continued, politicians from New York and Connecticut have fought the move.
Its maker, Claude Lanzmann, seemed to come from nowhere, even as he imposed his vision everywhere.
Today, the lives of many working Americans are getting worse even as the Internet gets better.
FORBES: Three Ways The President Can Create Digital Jobs Now
Even as Syracuse's population topped out at 221, 000 in 1950, the city's smokestack-based economy began belching.