The best ones carry an edge of acidity that cuts through butter or batter or fatty burger.
Peranakan-style black fatty pork... meat-stuffed cabbage... beef curry... fried yellow noodles... pork and rice sausages...
BBC: Singapore��s marathon food tour (bring an empty stomach)
Stress and diet, particularly fatty or spicy food, are thought to play a part.
That triggers a host of problems including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, insulin resistance and diabetes.
The United Kingdom has floated a plan to restrict the advertising of fatty foods.
Researchers have seen signs of a similar brain preference for sweet and fatty foods in humans.
The walnuts were unique as rich sources for n-6 and particularly n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Supplements with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids may be of some benefit -- in some children.
And some, like omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, are necessary, because the body can't make them.
Avocados, with their natural fatty richness, serve a similar purpose when incorporated with other foods.
In the fat-shedding livers, by contrast, she found high concentrations of a protein called fatty-acid-binding-protein 4.
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Cell membranes are made of fatty molecules, but the details vary from one organism to another.
Even omega-3 fatty acids that are added to foods can be a source of confusion.
This regulates the metabolism of a group of molecules called long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The disease hinders development of the myelin sheath, a fatty covering that protects the brain's nerve fibers.
Researchers have even seen a bias for fatty foods as opposed to carbohydrates, something they can't explain.
Omega-3 fatty acids may also be an important component of the central nervous system, says Carol J.
That breaks down into a component called free fatty acid and goes into the liver for energy.
The remaining oil is treated with an alkali to remove free fatty acids (which form a soap).
It is possible to eat a lot of fatty food, exercise frequently and not generate any externalities.
Though it could not clear cataracts that had already formed, it partly reversed muscle-wasting and fatty-tissue loss.
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The enzyme deficiency causes fatty materials (lipids) to collect in the spleen, liver, kidneys, and other organs.
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Trans fatty acids constitute up to 60 percent of the fat in processed foods containing hydrogenated fats.
LS9 also uses synthetic biology, but it has concentrated on controlling the pathways that make fatty acids.
She has to watch her diet carefully, avoiding fatty foods and concentrating on eating salads, vegetables and fish.
Patients with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease struggle to produce a fatty sheath around their nerves, which is essential for function.
The result, though more mild than the original preparation, has enough acid to cut through the fatty butter.
More research is desperately needed to understand the effects of diet, including omega-3 fatty acids, on the brain.
I've provided a good start for your fatty-food future, but clotted cream owns the scones, so to speak.
Nam Tok is usually made with beef or a fatty, flavorful piece of pork taken from the neck.
WSJ: Johnny Monis's Northern Thai Grilled Pork Salad | Slow Food Fast