The U.S. economic recovery is weaker than expected and the fiscal mess in Washington continues with no fix in sight.
New York is grappling with the quick fix mistakes of past planning deals, in coming to terms with the biggest question of its future.
Other shows, like Iyanla: Fix My Life and In The Bedroom With Dr. Laura Berman, are proving less popular.
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Ms. Ullman explains that on one occasion in her career as a software engineer she tried to fix some code with what she thought was a tiny change and she succeeded in bringing the whole system down.
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We need to fix everything gradually, and work in line with our culture and traditions.
Goldsmith and Rauch say that FIX is just one of several protocols in use with exploitable vulnerabilities known to software developers and banks.
Maps are a highly useful feature on a mobile device, but Apple is going to fix the issues with its software, and in any case there are plenty of other apps and websites to turn to for directions for those who want another source.
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In June, in a separate case, Commerzbank entered into an agreement with the New York Fed to fix what the government said were deficiencies in its anti-money laundering program.
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At a briefing Monday, Assistant Treasury Secretary for Tax Policy Pamela Olson said President George W. Bush has asked the Treasury to study the AMT problem and come up with a permanent fix to be proposed in next year's budget.
The women in the network seem to agree with Sandberg that sexism in America is mainly a problem that women can fix by being more assertive.
He shared his thoughts on how to fix the flawed public pension system in the U.S with me.
His policies have done little to challenge the forces of globalization, and he has worked closely with economic leaders in his efforts to fix the economy.
Mark Astrachan of Stifel Nicolaus, a broker, says that Avon needs urgently to fix problems with its supply chain, to invest more in its business and to adjust its model.
Again, I think we have the ability to stand up and tell the American people that we acted to fix what was broken, to put in place stronger rules with teeth that would prevent this from happening again.
These ideas try to respond to two chronic worries of Japanese voters: that the economy will continue to slide, and that the construction state will cover what little remains of their country with concrete in a vain attempt to fix the problem.
Earlier in the day, both leaders told reporters that they wanted to fix the immigration system and match willing employers in the United States with willing workers in Mexico.
In what other industry can the biggest suppliers collude and fix prices with impunity?
In many cases, the affected vendors fix the flaws, either with a patch, a workaround or some other mitigation.
With the obesity blame game continuing and no quick fix in sight, the fast-food makers should continue to profit by offering more choices.
It should have returned the lemons to the manufacturers, brought in the government, and cooperated with the industry to fix this mess years earlier.
Euroland is a near disaster with no final fix possible without massive write-downs in national debt covering Greece and probably Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland.
You have all the elements of the much-loved adventure you probably completed a few years ago, like visuals and control system, but you can simply dip into this world in a much more disposable, quick-fix manner - fragging with your friends.
She was charged with contempt in November because her department had failed to fix the problem.
Potholes have been circled with white paint accompanied by the words "fix me" in a Dorset town.
Finance ministers and political officials in Europe have again and again come up with plan to fix the debt crisis.
We know what to do in order to fix it, and we've made great strides with health care reform, but we've got more work to do.
Lawyers for the alliance have claimed thousands of students missed out on the grades they needed because of a last-minute "statistical fix" and have argued for the June exams to be regraded in line with those taken in January when the boundaries were lower.
In that case, we must get to work to fix what ails us with simple embarrassment the driver of our rebound.
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While all this craziness proliferates, the unemployment rate in many countries is prolonged, a miserable setting with no fast fix coming.