Generally speaking, expect to write off roughly 5% of your receivables, and budget accordingly.
Generally speaking, the pace of growth in bottled water accelerated with the introduction of antidepressants.
If you fail at business, the popular press, generally speaking, burns you at the stake.
FORBES: Groupon's Accounting Mistake, the Media, Quant Funds and Academic Case Studies
What the reporter didn't know was how avidly the sisters, generally speaking, disliked his gender.
Generally speaking, the music today isn't generating a boat load of cash for us.
ENGADGET: Sony Ericsson's PlayNow Arena: 1 million, DRM-free songs on Monday
Generally speaking, girls with autism have greater learning disabilities and more problems academically than boys.
Generally speaking, most borrowers, especially first-time borrowers, are simply attracted by the low initial monthly payment.
Generally speaking, the ideal approach for businesses is probably a blend of generalists and specialists.
FORBES: When to Hire Generalists vs. Specialists: Lessons from the Fab Five
Generally speaking, a patent protects an idea, and a copyright protects an expression of an idea.
FORBES: Legal Games: Infringement Suits Hit The Social Gaming Sector
Parnell says generally speaking, unconventional methods should be used sparingly, judiciously and only when necessary.
FORBES: 10 Unconventional (But Very Effective) Tips For Job Seekers
"Generally speaking, the military tries very hard not to get involved in political campaigns, " he said.
Generally speaking, the function of communications holds an increasingly vital role at the executive table.
But generally speaking we grow the company organically through the products that we design and develop ourselves.
Gossip, generally speaking, is the trivial workplace talk that spreads sensational or intimate matters around the office.
FORBES: Swim in Office Politics Without Drowning (Part 2 of 2)
Livery cars, generally speaking, may do the opposite, responding to phone requests but not accepting street hails.
Generally speaking, the best practice techniques are those that lay down multiple, vivid memory patterns in the brain.
WSJ: The Wrong Way to Practice Golf | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Generally speaking I am not a horse - I think that's a really important point to get across.
BBC: Justin Welby: Those who bet on me should donate winnings
The SEC rejects the notion that, generally speaking, information gathered to protect investors should be provided to investors.
FORBES: Why the SEC Is In Danger of Becoming Irrelevant ( February 28, 2006 )
Generally speaking, though, most neutrals don't seem to buy the vast conspiracy that some Barcelona critics are peddling.
Generally speaking Salesforce employees seem to be younger and far more comfortable working and socializing in social networks.
FORBES: Why Salesforce is Pivoting to CMOs and how that Plays Against Oracle
Generally speaking, copyright law protects forms of art, but not items that are predominantly functional, like shirts and pants.
WSJ: Dueling Yoga Pants: Lululemon Takes Calvin Klein to Court
Generally speaking economies are the most productive when rules and regulations are written to promote competition and lower prices.
FORBES: The Surprising Thing Is That Homeownership Isn��t More Economically Destructive
Generally speaking, the more a paper is cited, the more important it is.
FORBES: The Most Innovative Countries In Information Technology
Generally speaking, the authentication of work of art involves a series of steps.
FORBES: Lack Of Authenticating Expert Renders Valuable Artwork Practically Worthless
Generally speaking, according to Belcher, the market for printed materials is a quagmire.
FORBES: InnerWorkings Helps Companies Solve Printing Problems
Generally speaking in terms of franchise ownership, the return comes on the sale.
Generally speaking, though, if vendors can rebook the date, they will return most, if not all, of your money.
Generally speaking, government works best when there is an abundance of information .
Generally speaking, HTML5 helps reduce the functionality gap between mobile websites and apps.
FORBES: HTML5 Vs. Native Mobile Apps: Myths and Misconceptions
Generally speaking, Mr. Blankfein said that communications with respect to Goldman among board members were meant to be confidential.
FORBES: Directors Behaving Badly: Rajat Gupta Faces Criminal Insider Trading Charges