These courses are oversubscribed and can take years to get on to and complete.
Now, the story is everywhere, so I don't know if that means everybody's trying to get on to see it.
The government has been keen to promote shared ownership as a way to help people get on to the property ladder.
There's also quite a bit of visible death, especially if you get on to like a river or on an inlet.
But will that stop me from flying if that's the plane I've got to get on to get where I'm going?
Not surprisingly, the competition to get on to these courses is fierce.
Before I get on to the game itself the biggest headline for me was the creation of a new range of Disney toys.
"I don't have much sympathy at the minute, " says one woman as she struggles to get on to the transfer bus with her young son.
That doesn't mean they immediately get on to pass the citizenship.
Overall, most children (89%) can get on to the internet via a computer at home but according to E-Learning Foundation this figure masks a divide between rich and poor.
Based on Bank of Scotland's own data, the average price paid by someone looking to get on to the property ladder was affordable for someone on average earnings in 77% of local authority areas.
Some of the conditions we have to work and operate in for long periods of time lack basic things like electricity and running water, before you get on to providing the security that we're there to do.
But, despite the fact they claimed to have enough support between them to get on to the ballot paper, Mr McDonnell failed to get close to the 45 nominations needed to go ahead and, on Wednesday evening, conceded defeat.
Suffice to say there's a lot of good stuff coming. 2013 is going to be a great year for Engadget, and we're glad you'll be there to join us, but for now let's get on to the week in tech.
Now, would that work as a way for them to probably convince most fans to get on board with the idea, to get audiences on board as well, to entice people to see a direct sequel to TDKR plus the return of the Joker and a new Batman actor?
FORBES: What Warner Would Probably Do If They Continued Nolan's Batman
Just make sure you look forward, focus on the future, and take steps to get on track to land your next job.
The force said most of these get fewer than 10 callers a day and the cuts will enable 38 officers to get back on to the streets.
The challenge was navigating her way through undergraduate classes and then medical school admissions to get on track to make that goal a reality.
Among others, CBS, Starz, HBO, ABC, and PBS are also involved, but everyone is going to have to get on board to ensure the end of commercials that are louder than the content.
ENGADGET: Members of the ATSC agree on measure to curb loud commercials
"This led to a panic situation as most of the spectators who had travelled from other towns had to rush out of the stadium in order to get on buses to their respective places, " Namulambe explained.
"We went there to get ourselves on to the next rung and see where that takes us, " he says.
The BBC F1 team is also caught up in the situation, with an attempt to get some on to a flight to Milan on Sunday night failing.
He'd remain the senior Democrat on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, and he'd get to hold on to his ranking on other assignments.
"I have been contacted, for example, by a mother of four small children who doesn't want to get them on a bus to get to a library, " said Mr Spillman.
Ms. THERESA WARD (Vice President, Oppenheimer Funds): But it does take some time for the plan's sponsors to get the accounts set up in their programs and communicate it to participants and get participants to sign on to it.
As Nixon's and Reagan's men said more than once, when they can't get you on anything substantive they try to get you on perjury or obstruction of justice, basically to justify all the money spent and because there is a determination to bring a charge.
How could I stay abreast of what was going on in my house if, when the snow came, my every footstep in the yard would leave a trail of incrimination and such clear proof of a prowler on the grounds as to get Diana on the phone to the town police?
We are treating it on a day-to-day basis just to get me out on to the pitch.
His grandmother stepped up, waking every morning before dawn to get on that bus to that job at the bank.