Lenders figure that if their investments go bad, the IMF will come to their rescue.
The result is that debts are rolled over but not settled and quickly go bad again.
We all know what can happen when such projects go bad can anyone say Windows Vista?
Mr. Lyle says he's never had a loan go bad because he misjudged the financials.
LG's upcoming refrigerator, for example, claims to know what food you're storing and when it will go bad.
It buys the properties before the loans go bad, and expects to sell them when the market recovers.
That email was more about what to do if things go bad than a prediction that they will.
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Drugs that require refrigeration, such as insulin or growth hormone, can go bad.
He wants banks to increase the cushion of collateral they require from highly leveraged clients, in case trades go bad.
The winning project, Milkmaid, is a quart size glass milk jug that can sense when your milk will go bad.
To put this in another way, just 0.2% of these mortgages would have to go bad for this capital to be wiped out.
They also suggest including claw-back clauses in bonus agreements which would allow money to be recouped if decisions which seemed successful later go bad.
They have legal characteristics of debt, but if things go bad you're generally the first creditor to take on the rights of an equity owner.
Growers in the heartland distrust the markets in general and the Chicago Board of Trade in particular often because they have seen a speculative venture go bad.
In the future, refrigerators may use some type of tagging technology to alert the appliance automatically to the presence of food that might go bad, he said.
Those drive employees to take big risks to reach the target, knowing that they stand to lose little if their bets go bad and the company loses money.
By comparing DNA from healthy cells with malignant ones, researchers can find genetic differences that might be what led the tumors to go bad in the first place.
Never much of a scorer, Brewer had played well during the Knicks' strong start, but never recovered once things started to go bad and Grunwald didn't really know why.
But when things go bad, or the company appears to be troubled, the investor wants his money protected, and the entrepreneur might see a conflict in the level of concern.
In other words, Lloyds seems to have lent 455 times the value of the capital earmarked in its balance sheet to absorb losses, just in case these mortgages go bad.
The negative corollary to these bailouts is that certain institutions have not been allowed to fail, and, those who knowingly took certain risks are no longer expected to take losses when those risks go bad.
Lenders and rating agencies are heartened by their models, which show that it would take a combination of higher interest rates and falling house prices to make a worrying number of mortgage loans go bad.
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