After, a reward can be to go up and thank them, take them out to lunch, give some form of recognition after the fact, companywide.
So if somebody wants directions to somewhere, I can go help them look it up and then speak the directions to them.
You want your stocks to go up in value but are handing them to people who want to short them.
Simply go up to Congress, go to the Congressional Budget Office, and ask them for the scoring on the budget that passed the House and the Senate.
Ms. SANDERS: Well, Farai, unfortunately, even though I'm rather tall, I've never been very coordinated so I probably am not going to go up against them in a battle.
We're for the most part descended from the kind of individuals who possessed what historian John Steele Gordon referred to as the "get up and go" that drove them to leave the comforts of home in order to make their highly uncertain way in the new world that was the United States.
Its demise would be very bad news -- because CO2 levels would go up even more without the algae around to soak them up.
Sometimes they cause scarring that actually closes up arteries, requiring surgeons to go back in and open them up again.
When women have trouble breast-feeding, they are often confronted with two divergent directives: well-meaning lactation consultants urge them to try harder, while some doctors might advise them to simply give up and go the bottle-and-formula route.
If bond prices failed to rise given such a Herculean effort to lift them up, there can be only one direction for them to go: down.
The boats were all lined up ready to go, when some bureaucrat showed up and told them they couldn't go out on the water unless they had proof of insurance and registration.
CNN: Transcript of Gov. Jindal's GOP response to Obama speech
American officials are reluctant to go nuclear and break them up, not least because the task of splitting them into pieces small enough to pose no danger would be horribly messy.
He quickly caught up with two of them but they each split up to go back into Paddy's Bar to see if their third friend, Richard, was there.
"It is natural for them to go up and down, " he told a parliamentary session.
If the car goes or interest rates go up, they have little to protect them.
Mr. JACK GOLDSMITH (Former Assistant Attorney General): The options are to just continue to detain them, or to find a way to send them back to their countries, or to go to Congress and get some kind of different trial procedure set up to try them.
All these people had the get-up-and-go to pull up stakes and come here, a temperament that made them different from their friends and relatives who stayed home.
With long-term rates at such historical lows, there is little place for them to go but up.
FORBES: Fed Watch 2012: What Does Ben Have Up His Sleeve Now?
Even when they do go up, there is no system to allocate them.
For instance, you come upon a stranded ship about to go belly up and can decide if you want to try to dock on and save them, send a shuttle, or ignore them.
If you know a young couple struggling with bills, worried they won't be able to send their children to college, tell them not to give up -- their children can go on to college.
So, because we allowed the fourth meeting to open up and then said to folks, well, go back and - I asked them two questions - think about what you're wrestling with here and what you're trying to sort out and to talk to one another about this in between our two meetings.
Then we agreed to let the rates go up, on dividends, capital gains as a way of trying to move them into a deal.
If students in the one-year program want to go to career fairs, "we encourage it, but it's up to them to find their own way there, " says Craig Petrus, director of Florida's career services, adding that the school does host an annual career fair.
Look for them to go belly-up or be bought out in the next 12 to 18 months.
Nor does the fact that they were higher before make them particularly likely to go up now.
Adam Davidson, he's asking, how is it that we allowed companies to grow to such a dominant size that we can't afford to let them go belly-up?
Ms. LINDA HANCOCK: I just do not feel that some new individual coming in running for Congress, that has no seniority, is going to be able to go up there and put a plug in for funds for us and be able to get them.