Yet, they perversely encourage stalemate by providing an easy fallback in the face of gridlock.
Recent developments in California, however, offer a glimmer of hope for ending gerrymandering and gridlock.
The election of a new president could help move Italy out of its current political gridlock.
Traffic on the M1 and North Circular ground to a halt with hours of gridlock.
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"I mean, you can't gridlock the place for two years, " he said of both parties.
"We have broken the gridlock on the most controversial issue, " he said in announcing the agreement.
Libecap's insight: When this gridlock occurs, the owners are fighting about information as much as oil.
"This is a case of gridlock, " James Walston of the American University of Rome told CNN.
The end result--gridlock--may not be the same this year, but the tendency of the Senate is.
These are people who are focused on solutions and simultaneously unaccepting of the gridlock.
For the sake of our people and our economy, we cannot allow gridlock to prevail.
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An escalation of the Euro crisis and gridlock in the U.S. would spare no one.
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The conventional wisdom is that gridlock will ensue, maybe for the next two years.
But by crowdsourcing information, Apple expects to do a better job rerouting drivers around gridlock.
We are focused only on short-run fiscal problems and are in gridlock there as well.
The unavoidable fact is that America is hurtling towards gridlock and potential disaster in the sky.
If the balance of power doesn't shift in either house, more political gridlock seems inevitable.
Heavy snowfall on Friday morning caused gridlock in many areas and forced 600 schools to close.
This gridlock over ANWR and offshore drilling, of course, has been with us for decades.
That seems unlikely, but political gridlock could cause America's fiscal boost to fade unexpectedly sharply.
He replaces retiring Republican Olympia Snowe, who stood down because of the partisan gridlock in Washington.
But the case for gridlock can be less convincing when it comes to foreign policy.
Driving conditions have returned to normal after gridlock on many main routes on Friday.
Good sense also suggests that gridlock on tax cuts has much to commend it.
Republicans will need to show that their leadership won't simply perpetuate the gridlock in Washington.
It sets us up for a couple more months of policy gridlock, at a minimum.
Look forward to the gridlock of the coming year, because little gets accomplished.
Or perhaps it's polls showing most Americans take a dim view of the partisan gridlock in Washington.
At this point most of us are painfully aware of the gridlock in Washington over economic issues.
Given the current state of gridlock, Congress could adjourn for the year without any estate tax deal.
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