NAZRAN, Russia -- The Russian intelligence service has blamed Chechen rebels for an explosion that killed a high-ranking official.
Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and by a high-ranking official of the Department of the Army, Warner said.
Earlier in the day, a high-ranking official said the operation had been hampered at times by limited electrical power south of 36th Street in Manhattan.
"Technically, he is regarded as an illegal immigrant in India, which sent a high-ranking official in the External Affairs Ministry to see the Karmapa on Thursday, " the paper said.
And they have a high-ranking official, the head of the CIA, in many cases, or the head of the National Security Agency, sign a stipulation that says state secrets are at risk.
Monsignor William Lynn is considered the first high-ranking church official to be charged in the three-month-long trial.
The next day, FBI agents searched the home and office of a high-ranking CIA official with ties to an alleged Cunningham co-conspirator.
"As a former high-ranking military official, people listen to him, " Shepperd said.
CNN: Former Joint Chiefs chairman: Time to include gay troops
In 1993 a high-ranking FDA official, Robert Temple, issued a report on how the burgeoning device industry could conduct more rigorous clinical trials.
Under the new legislation, a high-ranking Treasury Department official must approve all transactions where CFIUS review is completed within 30 days.
And it dispatched a high-ranking State Department official, William Burns, to participate in multilateral talks with Iran over its nuclear programme.
In fact, however, a former high-ranking Pakistani intelligence official has given The Economist a much more plausible explanation for the Lahore attack: that it was the handiwork of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ).
One former high-ranking U.S. State Department official recalled a meeting with Chavez in the early 2000s where the two sides had a "fairly good" conversation.