Mr Henry's outburst came as MSPs were grilling Sir John and human resources officer Paul Gray.
Those voluptuous curves are stupidly strong: 'undentable by human force' apparently, but also incredibly light.
Kurzweil's human-machine symbiosis is not a techno-catastrophe but the ultimate liberation from humanity's biological frailties.
All sorts of people lose their temper in their daily lives, it's part of human nature.
Unlike their cousins in Australia, they have no interest in nibbling on a human.
The Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO promotes and supports initiatives that promote human rights.
And you can see where the delicate lichens have been disturbed by human feet.
Mythology was therefore designed to help us to cope with the problematic human predicament.
Here's how Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt put it in a meeting with reporters.
Capitalism is entirely just and sane, at least as sane as any human institution can be.
The entire human genetic blueprint is in the process of collection, in the Human Genome Project.
Numerous rivers, once the source of human prosperity and rich wildlife, are now heavily polluted.
UNESCO: World Water Day 22 March 2010: Clean Water for a Healthy World
Their continued exponential climb upward relies on physics and human ingenuity, less on capital.
What can be teased out of the small percentage of the genome distinguishing modern human groups?
Also more human than avian, also unrecognisable to me, also coming from treetop height.
Just as any machine needed rest to prepare for the next day, so did the human.
Human sources come principally from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
Or perhaps, they chose to stay hidden from the daily flurry of human activity.
Even today, it is possible to produce a baking flour for human consumption from cottonseed meal.
Over the last few years, scientists have begun studying the way cell phones affect the human experience.
She hopes the ordinary objects in the exhibit stand as testament to courage, kindness and human resiliency.
It is only by participating in this divine life that mortal, fragile human beings fulfil their potential.
Key themes will include human legacy and the ideas they express through lighting, subject and object choices.
They were in Idlib province near the Turkish border, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The mold cases center on the scientifically preposterous claim that mold is the cause of many human ailments.
Others are skeptical that AI will ever reach human levels of intelligence and cognition, let alone surpass it.
Holding this, I believe intensely in the importance of the family as the continuing unit of human life.
Third, the Neanderthal myth was in some way recalled beside a grave, at the limit of human life.
In that time, only once do I remember anyone questioning whether it was right to film human remains.
The case for a human-induced global warming crisis requires the demonstration of several components.
FORBES: The Death Of Global Warming Skepticism, Or The Birth Of Straw Men?