New plug-in hybrids roll off our assembly lines, but they will run on batteries made in Korea.
The first Triple E vessel, made in Korea, will be introduced this year.
When the first 2, 084 cars arrived in Jakarta in late August, bystanders couldn't help but notice that the autos, from spark plugs to tires, were entirely made in Korea.
The old bomb shelter beneath the city's central plaza is packed with stalls selling clothes made in South Korea.
In the first instance, this would allow Timor to import 45, 000 cars wholly made in South Korea free of duty (the tariff rate for other cars entirely made abroad is 125%).
Most dollars going to Central America are spent on consumer goods chiefly made in Japan, Korea and China.
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The United States, North Korea, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea are involved in nuclear agreements made earlier in the year that will lead to the disabling of North Korea's nuclear facilities.
Dollar Shave Club's blades are made in China and South Korea.
The Galaxy Note 8.0 is being made available in Europe, South Korea, China and a limited number of other countries in the April-to-June period.
The motor and other driveline parts for the Spark EV are made in Baltimore, but the car is assembled in South Korea along with the gasoline version.
When demand for the plant's batteries didn't meet expectations, the company filled orders with cells made at a factory in South Korea, leaving the Michigan plant largely idle, according to the report by the Department of Energy's Inspector General, Gregory Friedman.
Researchers in South Korea have made the process of creating embryonic stem cells through the cloning of human cells far more efficient than scientists previously believed was possible.
Senator OBAMA: What we have to do is invest in retooling the auto industry to make our cars more efficient and make sure they're made not in Japan, not in South Korea, but right here in Michigan and right here in the United States of America.
Pak Se Ri's victory in the U.S. Women's Open in July made her a star on the professional golf circuit and a national heroine in Korea.
Although steelmakers in Japan and South Korea had made a deal to pay 33% less than last year, China has demanded a deeper discount.
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Even more to the point, Mr Bush says he wants to see North Korea reciprocate in response to concessions made by others, not just promise later changes.
We are seeing that in South Korea, where there is perhaps the greatest degree of honesty in trying to address mistakes made in the past.
She has already played five times on the US Tour, and made the cut in a recent men's event in Korea.
Even though adjusting to life in South Korea was not easy, I made a plan and started studying for the university entrance exam.
Other nations still are in Iraq, but have made deep troop cuts such as South Korea, Bulgaria and Latvia.
But the announcement made this week by Woo Suk Hwang, of Seoul National University in South Korea, and his colleagues, is serious.
Last April, F-Secure researcher Mikko Hyppo nen found a Trojan masquerading as a first-person shooter game for Windows Mobile, which secretly made calls to international numbers in places as farflung as Sao Tome and North Korea, using what appeared to be a revenue sharing agreement to split the cash with the companies that placed the long-distance calls.
President Obama spoke with South Korean President Lee bak on Monday and "made clear that the United States fully supports the Republic of Korea, both in the effort to secure justice for the 46 service members killed in this attack and in its defense against further acts of aggression, " Gibbs said.
Analysts say this may be because the U.S. said the rocket actually made it over Japan, while the last time North Korea tried testing a Taepodong-2, in 2006, it fizzled less than a minute after launch.
Since construction began in 2001, many of South Korea's composers, painters, sculptors and intellectuals have made Heyri, not Seoul, their home.
The pace of economic shrinkage seems to have been slowed in Korea and Thailand, but neither there nor in Indonesia or Malaysia has much progress been made on structural reforms.
In a radio address Monday, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak made his first public statement about North Korea's latest nuclear test.