Middle age - those two healthy decades after the babies stop - is very real.
Research shows that being overweight or obese in middle age can double your risk of dementia.
His company, after a turbulent adolescence, has entered a comfortable and prosperous middle age.
Most of us spent our youth and middle age looking out for No. 1.
The research also asked the panel at what age they thought middle age ends.
The nuclei of adult cells, in contrast, have settled into a quiet middle age.
This goes on until the student-dodger reaches middle age, when he receives a permanent exemption.
Middle age starts much later than previously thought - at the age of 55, research suggests.
Maybe it's just encroaching middle age, but King allows this inertia to persist far longer than it should.
If middle age were passive, uncontrolled failure, then it would vary between individuals much more than it does.
The whole process of middle age seems deeply suspicious as it doesn't seem to be about getting old.
Emotional behaviour in childhood may be linked with heart disease in middle age, especially in women, research suggests.
At middle age now, it feels like the days are speeding up rapidly.
His company, after a turbulent adolescence, has entered comfortable and prosperous middle age.
That leaves wide open the question of how the church will look when today's young fogeys reach middle age.
It is very different in mood, however, as befits the poet's middle age.
Previous studies have pinpointed the start of middle age as early as 36.
So, we have a dichotomy between middle age and the mid-life crisis.
As they approached middle age, women also placed more value than men on spending time with family, community and friends.
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However, a sizeable minority, nearly one in five, thought middle age did not begin until after the age of 60.
In middle age, he plunged into the story of Herod's madness, and of the flight of the holy family into Egypt.
Both started as cheap disrupters, yet even in middle age they leave little space for newer and cheaper disrupters from below.
All this activity occurs early in the life span of a galaxy, before it settles down into a quiet middle age.
By the time Bettie is born again in middle age and feels a "liftin' up, " I was feeling a sinkin' down.
This is a finely observed study of solitude told through a series of monologues by four characters in late middle age.
This suggests middle age itself now spans 14 years and goes well beyond the government's planned state pension age of 66.
In middle age the artist seems to be returning to his Buddhist roots, a development that is both inspiring and, perhaps, inevitable.
We evolved middle age because we have always lived more complex lives than other animals - in the ways we acquire resources, socially and technologically.
And when a technology finally achieves prosperous middle age, inertia sets in.