Mild to moderate mental illness also nearly doubled, from 9.7 percent to 19.9 percent.
The Fed says it sees signs of slower growth that may moderate inflation pressures.
Beginner surfers can also take lessons on the more moderate 3ft waves in Turtle Bay.
Over the years Buffett has given moderate amounts of money to his three children, Susan, Howard and Peter.
Moderate noise allows us to enter a state of mind conducive to creative breakthroughs, the study found.
Telecom companies should look for continued flatness in landline activity, with moderate growth in cellular.
He was a religious moderate in a nation that had become infected with religious fundamentalism.
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Low- and moderate-income families would still pay more on average than they do today.
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Now it appears that Mr Sarkozy has got the point, and intends to moderate his image.
Prior to that, in the early 1900s, many moderate-size cities had their own stock exchanges.
FORBES: Why the world would be better off with one big stock market.
Finally, the allocation descends as retirement approaches and lands at a moderate risk level.
FORBES: The Flight Path Approach to Age-Based Asset Allocation
That act also doubled the personal exemption, which benefitted the more moderate income workers the most.
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Kurt Edwards, Director General for the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC), will moderate the panel.
FORBES: Asia's Premier Business Aviation Event Is Almost Here!
If abstainers try to be moderate, they spend a lot of mental energy battling their temptations.
And 1998 is a precursor of nothing other than an acceptance of a moderate slowdown.
On the Slav-Macedonian side, the president, a Methodist minister called Boris Trajkovski, is the leading moderate.
"Once she fell off the wagon, she couldn't stop, or even moderate, her drinking, " he writes.
Price action is expected to moderate around mid-year, and should grow 6% to 7% in 2013.
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Does this mean that McCain has to unveil a new moderate or even liberal policy agenda?
CNN: Analysis: Four things McCain needs to accomplish this week
Then, as now, a safer and more moderate establishment choice was an early favorite.
And I think this is the victory of the moderate wing for the moment.
In my tests, the battery easily lasted a full day in light to moderate use.
Going forward we estimate that the worldwide printer market will continue a moderate growth rate.
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Laudably, Mr Baucus has pursued a moderate course, rejecting a proposal for a government-run insurance scheme.
Investors are better off enhancing small-to-moderate returns and buffering small-to-moderate losses in this environment.
Ms Morella contends that her constituents value her as a moderate who can resolve party differences.
So you chose to split the difference between rapid spending increases and moderate spending increases.
It's maintaining moderate inflation of around 11% and paying back external debt ahead of schedule.
Moderate voices say Wirathu's vision of an "us" and a "them" is not sustainable.
ABC's Charles Gibson will moderate the second, and CBS's Bob Schieffer will moderate the third.