Never for a moment did I even fantasize that Aaron Sorkin was Mr. Right.
Never for a moment do you doubt the accuracy or the relevance and context of the material the author brings to his tale.
Do they go for a phone that is beautifully designed, will make them feel safe, and never for a moment make them feel out of their comfort zone?
But she never for a moment denied her Jewishness.
ECONOMIST: Israel is moving towards a more pluralistic Judaism
Once the FBI had uncovered the evidence for his affair and told him, it probably never occurred for a moment to Gen Petraeus that he might be able to hold on to his job.
"One must never think for a moment that customers don't notice anything, " says Biki.
Never mind the deep pockets for a moment, if only to understand the sort of wisdom that provides for that sort of monetary largess.
In 2003, when The Associated Press first dispatched me to the Tour de France to cover a guy from Texas who was on his way to becoming the race's most successful champion, I never imagined for one moment that a decade later I'd be waiting to hear him say that we all should have stayed home.
According to the Labour AM, there has "never been a more opportune moment for the Welsh Government to seize control of this agenda".
For consumers who never want to miss a moment, the all-new COOLPIX S640 is Nikon's performance leader in the S-Series lineup.
ENGADGET: Nikon Coolpix S1000pj projector-cam beams into reality along with friends
Revel is the perfect photo app for families because we'll never miss a moment.
ENGADGET: Adobe Revel 1.5 released with new UI, text captions and auto-syncing albums
I've never wanted to stop playing or quit for a single moment, because I truly love golf, and this is what keeps me going.
An in-the-moment media communicator is never thrown for a loop by a reporter, host or caller, because he or she is focused 100 percent on the question of the moment, not preoccupied by what to say in 5 or 10 seconds.
"The thing that I loved about 'Feud, ' we froze a moment in time for these families that had never occurred before, " he said, adding the show would furnish families with videotapes of the show.
I'll never forget a moment many years ago -- this is long before I ran for President, before I ran for elected office.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces $4 Billion Investment in Education | The White House
For the FN leader, Marine Le Pen, it is a now-or-never moment.